Frequently Asked Questions
What is Trust Consultancy?
This business was set up to support those working in the social care arena. It can be a tough but rewarding job with highs and lows! With the added pressure of compliance with regulations and HIQA inspections for many in residential services and the pending registration of Social Care Workers, it can be hard to know where to turn when you need a little extra assistance.

I aim to offer a service that is not affiliated with any workplace or service. Confidential, impartial and flexible to your schedule. Through Mentoring, I can assist you to secure a role in social care through interview skills mentoring or I can assist you to formulate a plan of action for your professional development and advancement. Through professional supervision, I can help you to improve practice as an external, impartial, professional.

I also provide training, workshops and seminars for those working in social care roles. These events will provide you with opportunities to reflect on how you will apply your new learning to practice and will carry Continuing Professional Development points.

Who is Audrey Moore?
Audrey is the primary consultant in Trust Social Care Consultancy. She has worked in the social care field since 2002 with young people in secure care and people with intellectual disabilities in front line, supervisory and management positions. With qualifications in Social Care and Psychology, Audrey completed an MA in Social Care Leadership and Management in TU Dublin where she also teaches as an associate lecturer. In her free time, Audrey volunteers as a peer supporter and instructor with her local Red Cross. Audrey is delighted to offer her experience and knowledge for the support and development of Social Care Workers through training and development activities, professional supervision and mentoring.

Who do we work with?

We work with anyone who is social care qualified and working in the social care area. This includes social care workers, social care leaders, social care managers and those working in other roles such as project workers, family support workers, community facilitators, care assistants and students. I also work with services and organisations on small projects such as auditing, team development and training.

What qualifications and credentials does the consultant have?
Audrey Moore is a qualified Social Care Practitioner with qualifications in Psychology and Social Care Practice and a masters in Social Care Leadership and Management. She has 20+ years experience in social care and worked as a supervisor and manager since 2006. Audrey has considerable experience of professional supervision, mentoring and training of Social Care Workers.

What is Mentoring?
is a learning relationship, generally focused on career development. The primary purpose is to drive personal growth; building skills, knowledge and understanding to support a person's career. Mentoring can be carried out 1:1 or in group situations.

What are the benefits of Group Mentoring?
  • Primarily it's more affordable than 1:1 mentoring.
  • You still have personal access to your mentor to benefit from their experience
  • There's an opportunity to hear about others' experiences and learn from them
  • Networking opportunities with other's in your line of work
  • Support can be received from others in the group as well as the mentor.

What are the challenges of group mentoring?
You may not receive the same level of attention from your mentor in a group situation
You may not feel comfortable sharing amongst others, especially if you don't know them well.
If this is the case, you could book a 1:1 mentoring session or an annual package.

What is Professional Supervision?

Professional supervision is a workforce development strategy that can contribute to higher quality service outcomes for service users, improve practitioner skills and inform and consolidate training and development. It contributes to employees having a positive employment experience through which they are appropriately engaged in their job, their team, their profession and their organisation. The supervision engagement also contributes to employee well-being and reduces incidents of burnout. It is vital to the development of Social Care Workers to assist the practitioner to work through issues, make sense of their work and alleviate feelings of stress. It is not always offered in the workplace and so practitioners can reach out to external sources for this.

How do I get Professional Supervision externally?
Get in touch to book a time slot. You will be sent a supervision form to be completed and returned prior to your supervision session to get to know you and your work better. The conversation is based around your work and reflections. Following Supervision, you will be sent a record of your supervision outlining the general areas of discussion.

How will my information be handled?
Any information you supply will be treated confidentiality. Under GDPR, minimal data is required to work with you, including your name, phone number and e-mail address. This information will only be used for the purpose of our work together and will not be shared with any third parties. All information is stored securely on a password protected computer.

What impact has COVID-19 had on services?
All necessary precautions are being taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as per government guidelines. Consultations and meetings can happen online or in-person at present.  Although less personal, online sessions are proving effective in reaching more people as the geographical factor is eliminated.